ArcGIS Pro uses and integrates a wide variety of dataset types. These include feature and raster based spatial data, images and remotely sensed data, tabular data, architectural drawings, lidar, web services, and more. 


Create a feature dataset

Create a feature dataset and understand spatial requirements.

 Help documentation      ðŸ•‘ 30 min  

Read the documentation

Using raster data and imagery in ArcGIS Pro

Discover ArcGIS Pro's capabilities for visualizing and analyzing raster data and satellite imagery. 

 Tutorial series      ðŸ•‘ 3 hours  

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Create and use a mosaic dataset

Explore the use of a mosaic dataset to provide extensive image management capabilities.

 Tutorial      ðŸ•‘ 1 hour 30 min  

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Controller Datasets

A feature dataset is a collection of related feature classes that share a common coordinate system. Feature datasets are used to facilitate creation of controller datasets, such as topology, terrain dataset, network dataset, utility network, parcel fabrics, or LRS (for Pipeline Referencing or for Roads and Highways).

Use geodatabase topology for ecomobility

Establish geodatabase topology rules to review and ensure your data's spatial accuracy. Learn how to prepare data, create a geodatabase topology, apply rules, and clean data errors. 

 Tutorial      ðŸ•‘ 1 hour  

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Create a network dataset with public transit data

Create a public transit-enabled network dataset from GTFS public transit data and street centerlines to analyze dense urban areas where public transit is the main mode of travel. 

 Tutorial      ðŸ•‘ 1 hour  

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Managing Lidar data using terrain datasets

LAS datasets are useful for performing quality assurance on lidar data. And terrain datasets support fast data retrieval and display. Learn to create a terrain dataset, then use it to visualize and analyze lidar data.

 Web course      ðŸ•‘ 4 hours 45 min  

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Getting started with ArcGIS Utility Network

Through this guided tutorial series learn how to model, analyze, and work with your netwrok data using ArcGIS Utility Network.

 Tutorial series      ðŸ•‘ 11 hours  

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ArcGIS Parcel Fabric: Migrating and administering parcels

Learn about the parcel fabric information model and how it can be extended. This session will cover both data migration from simple feature classes as well as the upgrade process from the parcel fabric for ArcMap. 

 Technical workshop - UC2023      ðŸ•‘ 1 hour  

Watch the presentation

How to choose between linear referencing and location referencing

A guide to answering common questions on when it might make sense to get the location referencing extension.

 Blog article      ðŸ•‘ 15 min  

Read the blog